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Photo Saga Sig

Our books:


Olía / Oil (2021)

by Svikaskáld


Sítrónur og náttmyrkur / Lemons and Nightfall (2019)

by Ragnheiður Harpa Leifsdóttir


Hérna eru fjöllin blá / The mountains are blue here (2019) 

by Melkorka Ólafsdóttir 


Nú sker ég netin mín / Now I Cut my Fishing Nets (2019)

by Svikaskáld 


Ég er fagnaðarsöngur / I am a Song of Joy (2018)

by Svikaskáld


Ég er ekki að rétta upp hönd / I am not Raising my Hand (2017)

by Svikaskáld

Svikaskáld, or Impostor Poets, are a female writers' collective based in Reykjavík, Iceland.

The collective came together early in 2017 and has since published a collective novel, three collective poetry collections and two individual poetry collections, as well as hosting various events, writing workshops and seminars for the old and young alike.


For three years now, they have hosted a monthly poetry reading series, Svikakvöld / Imposter Nights, in the literary center Gröndalshús.


The Impostor Poets are:


Fríða Ísberg

Melkorka Ólafsdóttir

Ragnheiður Harpa Leifsdóttir

Sunna Dís Másdóttir

Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir

Þórdís Helgadóttir 


Read our Manifesto

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